Preparing sporting venues for a safe re-entry
GSA members can benchmark infection-control policies and procedures, collect occupant experiences, and track indoor air quality.

Preparing sporting venues for re-entry with three key strategies
Facility Management
Share and compare information on policies and procedures used to manage the spread of infectious disease.
Occupant Observations
Engage occupants to understand their experience and help build confidence in re-entry.
Indoor Air Quality
Measure conditions to inform management and target action to improve occupant experience.

Tools to Build Confidence
The Comprehensiveness Scores provides a measure of the breadth of management activities and feedback from occupants and indoor air quality measurements.

Arc and GSA are partnering to help teams and leagues
- Use Arc to collect and manage data
- Share data and expertise
- Benchmark practices and performance

Participating GSA members receive
- Discounts on Arc Essentials
- Dedicated training
- Custom reports and analytics
Create a project and track progress
Support a safe, confident return to play!