LEED continuously raises the bar on sustainability and Arc helps you keep pace
Claim your LEED building today
For two decades, LEED has defined what it means to be a green building and provided a roadmap for developing sustainable buildings. With more than 7.7 billion square feet of LEED-certified space — spanning from schools and hospitals, to existing buildings and new construction, to homes and even entire cities — LEED has been the consistent leadership standard around the world. But demonstrating leadership at a single point in time is not enough — occupants change, technologies evolve and market expectations grow. We want all LEED projects to continue to demonstrate leadership long after they are constructed and occupied.
This is why USGBC and Arc have partnered together to allow any previously certified LEED building to use Arc for free to track their performance across five categories: energy, water, waste, human experience and transportation. By tracking operational performance, projects can see whether they are falling behind, keeping pace or leading the pack. Arc also allows project teams to evaluate whether they are ready to pursue LEED recertification. Most previously LEED-certified projects are able to achieve recertification using only performance data.
You can claim your LEED-certified building and start tracking data immediately — just log into Arc with your USGBC user account and all of your LEED projects will automatically appear under the Projects tab. To get started, accept the terms and conditions and begin inputting data. It’s that easy.
If you have any challenges claiming your LEED building, contact the Arc team.